New Graduates, Construction, and more!

New Graduates, Construction, and more!

Today we are celebrating new graduates, a new construction project, and a new school year about to begin!

Joshua Alima, Zaake Sserunjogi, and Deborah Kirabo just graduated with their two year certificates from Buganda Royal Institute (similar to an associates degree in the US). Joshua studied accounting, Zaake studied building and construction, and Deborah studied journalism & media studies. All three of them are now applying for the diploma program, which will be an additional two years of study. Each of these kids have come from incredibly difficult home situations, with little hope for the future. Through the love and support of their sponsors, they are now poised for success. We are so proud of them!

Construction Update

We recently completed two small construction projects. We built a security wall on the upper side of the school to make it much safer for our kids by dissuading people from cutting through the school property. We also gave our House of Hope (our very first construction project!) some much needed love. A new water trench, a security gate, bathroom upgrades, and a fresh coat of paint have made a world of difference!

Our next project is going to be an open air dining pavilion for our school. We recognized the need for this when we were in Uganda last year. Currently, the students just take their lunch and sit wherever they can, so it will be so great to give them a specific place to eat! The most amazing thing is that we received an estimate of $10,800 to complete the pavilion (excluding tables and chairs), and God had already provided that in our construction fund. That is the first time we have been able to fund a project from the start, and that is because of the generosity and support of many of you. Thank you so so much!

School Term

I have been receiving letters, school reports and new photos of our children all throughout January. Rest assured that I send them to you as soon as I receive them, so if you haven’t heard from me, hopefully you will soon! Many of our kids travel to the villages to spend time with extended family during the two month break, so we may not hear from them until next week when the new school year begins and they are back in Kampala. Just a reminder to pray for your children, and ideally, try to write to them once a month. They love to hear from you! (Also, please don’t try to connect with anyone over social media. We can’t have the kids or their caregivers having direct access to their sponsors for your own safety. )

We have received the results of our P7 students national exams, and they all did great! They all achieved a first or second grade, which is a testament to the strength of our teaching staff and the hard work of our students. Pray for our students and teachers as they begin a new school year. Our children face so many challenges, but this is a year of new opportunity and we are excited about what’s ahead.

As we look to the new year, we also want to take time to remember and thank God for his many blessings in 2023. We have compiled a “Year in Review” document that you can find on our website here. We are so grateful for all God has done and continues to do through this ministry. He is so faithful!

I close with these sweet words from our Esther Nabawanguzi to her sponsor:

Thank you very much for your daily support through prayers and school fees. I have completed my Senior 4 and I am sure that the one that started a good job in me will surely accomplish it. It has been a long journey but through it all you have never given up on me. May God grant you an everlasting joy to all your generations. This time around I want to read all of the Bible during my (two month) vacation and complete all of the books as I write down the revelations and lessons I have learned. Have you ever attempted to read all the books of the Bible? What is your favorite book and scripture (verse)? I pray for a beautiful new year of prosperity and elevation for you.

Much Love,

P.S. We’re expecting a new group of children soon, so if you have friends or family interested in sponsorship please ask them to fill out a sponsor form here!